
“Forget Everything and Run OR Face Everything and RISE!” – Unknown

We just passed the second week of our kids being home from school, and two weeks of our whole world turning around here in Utah.

The first week was OK. Our schedule was all over the place, but we did OK. I did better than I thought being home all day as a homeschool mom (I don’t like staying home all day). My husband still went into the office for work.

This week wasn’t as good… There was way too much bad news. It feels like we are all swimming in the ocean, looking for the sun or the clouds to know we are safe.

We see the sun and think, “Yep! We are OK!” Then another GIANT wave hits us, and we think, “Oh no! We aren’t!” (this was someone else’s thought, but I liked how they explained it).

It hit me hard on Friday. I was grateful my husband was able to work at home that day. My anxiety was at an all time high, and I needed to get OUT of the house! So I went on a long walk by this lake near our house. I hurt my foot a week ago so I couldn’t go running, but walking felt great.

It is beautiful there. The sun shined bright. The sky was blue. The ground was solid below my feet (I’ve been having a lot of anxiety with all of these earthquakes here…), and I felt peace.

I cried a lot along the way. It felt so good to cry. I haven’t cried that much in a long time. And, I didn’t even care if anyone saw me because it felt so good to cry, go through all of the emotions of the bad news from the week and be in nature. I’ve always thought it’s weak to cry. It’s weak to show emotion. But you know what, I felt so much stronger after that walk. It’s a LOT.

Last week was way too much. But, you know what, after that walk, I put my head up, and I felt so much strength from God. He loves us. He knows what we are going through, and he is there for us. So, I decided to pray for more courage and faith. We don’t know how long we’ll be swimming through all of these giant waves, but we CAN pray for strength and courage to get through them. I’m grateful for all of the trials I’ve gone through before this that have me prepared me for this.

We’ve got this. One day at a time. ❤️

Need motivation? Do our Zoom workouts in the morning to start your day off right! Go to www.MorningClubforMoms.com to get an email with the info.

ABOUT ME – Most importantly, I am a daughter of God. All glory goes to Him. He leads me, encourages me and gives me strength every day.

I have two incredible parents who taught me how to believe anything is possible and serve others. “Oldest in the family” is also my roll to two sisters and two brothers.

Gymnastics was my life growing up training 20 hours a week. I coached gymnastics for about 13 years. I love helping kids believe they can do anything.

Fitness has always been my passion! I love dancing, running, weight lifting and riding my bike.

Marriage came into my life in my late 20’s after I graduated with my bachelor’s degree in Public Relations. I married an incredible man who supports me in all of my goals in life. I worked as a Public Relations Director for 7 1/2 years helping companies get featured on the covers of magazines, in the newspaper, TV and radio.

I loved my career, but I didn’t love sitting all day or leaving our girls with someone else. I found myself tired, overweight and wishing I had my body back after our first baby was born. I tried losing weight on my own, but it was a struggle. I was excited to find some workouts and nutrition plans I could do at home that helped me feel and look better.

I started my online nutrition and fitness business in Dec. 2011. I love paying it forward helping other moms feel and look their best. It has helped me do something I love from home that is rewarding.