It felt amazing crossing the finish line last week at the end of the Long Beach 1/2 Marathon! I love setting big goals, creating a plan, going for it and then reaching the goal! It’s empowering!
It’s been a while since I’ve set a big goal like that.
A goal that really pushed me and motivated me to jump out of bed each day to achieve it.
It’s easy to get lost in being “busy”. I spent my time rushing around being “busy,” but I wasn’t really getting anywhere. In fact, I was rushing so much because I was really trying to cover up my feelings of feeling lonely, lost, stressed, missing my family in Utah, etc.
I think this is easy to do, especially when we’re moms. We spend so much time taking care of everyone else and rushing around that we forget to take care of ourselves. I did this. I thought I was taking care of everyone else, but in the meantime I lost myself. I lost who I was, my drive for life, my passion and excited that I used to have.
And then one day, last December 2017, I hit rock bottom. I was depressed, lonely and knew I needed to make a change before it got worse.
Most people probably looked at me and thought, “she has it all together. There’s nothing wrong. She has so much to be grateful for.”
The truth was I didn’t have it all together, and I wasn’t doing well.
I knew I needed to make a change so I did. I turned to God for help, and started making simple changes in my life.
I began to make my bed each day. It’s such a simple task, but it helped me take steps forward. I knew I could set the goal to make my bed, and I could reach it.
Then I set a goal to wake up early. Next, I listened to conference talks from church leaders, read my scriptures and prayed in the morning.
In April, I hired a mentor to help me even further. We worked together for three months. I started becoming more focused on what I wanted out of life and gained more clarity. She helped me so much. It was around that time that I set the goal to run the 1/2 marathon to beat my best time of when I was in my 20’s. I’m 37 now, and I’ve had three kids so that was a big goal!
I didn’t beat my time last week from when I was in my 20’s, but I did beat my time by 19 min. from the last time I ran that race two years ago! I also beat my best time after having kids so that was a win.
Running that race has fueled me to set bigger goals and beat my best when I was in my 20’s!
A lot has happened over the past 7 months, and I’ll share more on this blog. I’m so grateful for the people who have been there encouraging me and helping me through the rough times. It’s easy to be there for someone when times are good, but it is harder to stick with someone through the tough times. I’m grateful for the people who have been pulling me out of a rough place.
Crossing that finish line was just the beginning. I’ve already set a new goal to run another race. My passion and excitement is coming BACK! I feel more like myself than I have in a long time. I’m grateful for that because my husband and our girls deserve to have the best version of their wife and mom.
Don’t get too busy rushing to and fro. Make sure to take care of YOU. Stop to evaluate how you are doing. If you’re doing well, keep going, if not, take a step back, ask for help and find what motivates and excites you in life.
Life was meant to be lived with JOY and happiness. Of course there are challenges along the way, but don’t let them get you down. Find your finish line that you are running towards, live life to the fullest and be the best YOU!