While some moms might be saying, “I’m too busy because I have kids!” I’m saying, “My kids are the reason why I do what I do!”

I always wanted to be a mom. When I was little I used to dress up my dolls and take pictures of them! I couldn’t wait to be a mom and have “real life” dolls some day!

I had so many hopes and dreams of what it would be like to be a mom someday! I couldn’t wait for all of the adventures we’d have!

I was working full-time as a Public Relations Director when we had our first baby. I was grateful I finished my bachelor’s degree before we got married so I could work to support us.

My husband is almost four years younger than me so that meant I needed to work while he was in school.

It was so hard to go to work when all I wanted was to be home with our girls. Life doesn’t work out like we plan.

I needed to find a way to work to support our family AND be home with our girls.

I started my online health and fitness business in December 2011. At first, it was just a hobby. Something fun that I could do on the side. I loved how energized I felt from doing the workouts and eating healthier. I wanted to pay it forward and help others. It was so rewarding to hear the success stories! I still love that part the most today. I love hearing how women are overcoming obstacles and becoming a better version of themselves.

It took a couple years to get the business off the ground. I continued to work at my Public Relations job for the first year, and then worked even harder the next year to get it going.

There are two parts to my job as an online Beachbody Coach. The first part is helping women (mostly moms) stay accountable with their workouts and nutrition plans. The second part is mentoring others do start and run their own online fitness business.

This is where the judgement comes in…

At first, I was full of faith! Nothing was stopping me because I absolutely loved what I did!

Then the comments started coming in. Some of the ladies said they couldn’t run a business from their homes because they wanted to be a good mom. That really cut me to the core. Being a good mom has always been important to me. That’s why I wanted to start this business in the first place!

When I heard the comment about wanting to be a good mom, it made me feel like I wasn’t a good mom because I was still running my fitness business.

Just because a mom wants to do something in addition to being a mom, doesn’t make them a bad mom.

It’s sad because that is not true!

Running my online fitness business has done the opposite! It has made me a better mom because I take care of myself. My first customer is myself. I work on having a positive mindset, a healthy body and a pure spirit daily. Then I help others do the same.

I set my business hours around my priorities, which are; my faith in God, self care, my relationship with my husband, my relationship with our girls and other family members, giving back to my community and lastly my business.

I have learned and grown so much the past nine years as I’ve worked on improving myself and helping others along the way.

Next time you feel judged from others, ask yourself, “Is it true?” If not, keep going with your goals! Judgement from others SQUASHES people’s goals! It’s sad to see people changing their plans or doing things differently because of what people think.

Also, look at the person who is judging you. Are they successful at what you are trying to do? Only take feedback from people who are where you want to be in life. Don’t take it from the people you don’t want to be like.

I am so grateful I started my online health and fitness coaching business with Beachbody in December 2011. It hasn’t been the easiest thing I’ve ever done, but it has been one of the most rewarding. My only regret is that I didn’t start it before we had kids.

As I look back over the years, I see so many positives. I didn’t have to ask for time off when we had our third baby. I have made so many memories with our little girls that I wouldn’t have made if I was working at an office job. I don’t know what I would have done during the pandemic this past year. I’m so glad I was already working from home so I was in a good routine when it happened.

It’s been a blessing to coach women on their health and fitness goals, and mentor women on their business goals.

Maybe you’re like me. You’d like to be a stay-at-home mom, and have a successful career working part-time from home.

It is possible to have both.

Need motivation? Do you want to see what it’s like to work with me? Take my FREE 5-Day Jump Back into Fitness Challenge to try some free workouts and create some healthy habits. Go to www.JumpBackintoFitnessChallenge.com

ABOUT ME – Most importantly, I am a daughter of God. All glory goes to Him. He leads me, encourages me and gives me strength every day.

I have two incredible parents who taught me how to believe anything is possible and serve others. “Oldest in the family” is also my roll to two sisters and two brothers.

Gymnastics was my life growing up training 20 hours a week. I coached gymnastics for about 13 years. I love helping kids believe they can do anything.

Fitness has always been my passion! I love dancing, running, weight lifting and riding my bike.

Marriage came into my life in my late 20’s after I graduated with my bachelor’s degree in Public Relations. I married an incredible man who supports me in all of my goals in life. I worked as a Public Relations Director for 7 1/2 years helping companies get featured on the covers of magazines, in the newspaper, TV and radio.

I loved my career, but I didn’t love sitting all day or leaving our girls with someone else. I found myself tired, overweight and wishing I had my body back after our first baby was born. I tried losing weight on my own, but it was a struggle. I was excited to find some workouts and nutrition plans I could do at home that helped me feel and look better.

I started my online nutrition and fitness business in Dec. 2011. I love paying it forward helping other moms feel and look their best. It has helped me do something I love from home that is rewarding.